Saturday, December 13, 2008

potatoes- jayinee

Where does that bottle end and my hand begin
Shapes fuse.
That is why I

You in my maroon flannel shirt turn into a boat
I sink my head
In your cupped
Hands, you drink.

Me in your ripped dress shirt leaning over the ledge
To feel the purple
Of the beveled hills
Touch my cheek.

I do not sense you standing there, fingering a pack
Why are you
So bright
It hurts to look.

Before we speak to anyone they are layered objects
Everyone is beautiful
I shake my head no
Don’t say that.

We can never find a real painting to live happily for
Just eat this cold
Dinner of cherry soda
And fingerling potatoes.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Constriction Poems

Notes on the Rules of Time Travel as Put Forth by Emmy Lennevald
By Jayinee Basu


Gloss the gangster, seconds don’t spiral
Keep the glossy gangster, not the spiraling seconds
The glossy seconds drip into the gangster-lined spiral
Gloss the second spiral, ye gangster!
Glosses drip spiral, seconds till the gangster
Glosses the spiral gangsters second.

Gangsters who gloss while the seconds spiral
Through gangster-lined glossy spiraling seconds
Gangsters count seconds while the glossy lines spiral
Gangsters throw seconds into the spiraling gloss.
The lone gangster spirals, glossing the seconds
The lone gangster spirals towards a second gloss.

Seconds spin spiraling, a glossy gangster weeps
Seconds spiral weeping toward a gangster of gloss
Second the gangster, who spiraling glossy
Seconds the gangster whose glosses spiral.
Seconds gloss toward a deep gangster spiral
Seconds gloss toward a spiraling gangster.

Spiral the glossy gangster in seconds
Spiral the glossy second-gangster dream
Spiral the gangster whose glossy dream seconds
The spiral of gangster-lined seconds. (g)loss
Spiral the second glossy gangster
Spiral the second gangster of gloss.

And Then

After a storm comes, so shall you reap.
Better die with honor: he begins to die.
Blood is thicker but who loves a lover,
Crime is the better part of valor.

Don’t cut off your nose, wear out your welcome
Early experience is the mother.
Fear of death where angels fear to tread,
Love while the sun shines.

He plants posterity
He hesitates policy
He doubts nothing
He is better than beauty.

Laughter is a sleeping dog,
Laughter is a bowl of cherries.
Like mother, like medicine.
Like father, like a tango.

The female of the species skins a cat,
The grass is more deadly than the male.
Marriages: death and taxes.
Remember to look after everything.

Gangster Summer: An Epithalamium
(for Sebastian Mouse and January Winterson,
married under the burning Brazilian sun)


To be a sin
Bastian, a ban on best
So be a mat
So be a sabot
To mast a nasty bus.

A tousled mess
A man? A beast?
Nab a motion
To a sea.

Mist tiny stems
It sees tin meat
Nations seem about sin.

O Sebastian Mouse!
My sun-baste man!


Not just any winter
Tinny new jitters
To a weary January.

Written in June, nay
Terse wry nose
A sonnet in rose.

Winston, see ‘er son?
Rye so winsome
A new Jenny ewe.

A note rain-taint
Rest now Janey
You are not a saint.


Witty mousy January
Must be a bait
Bees swarm rainy
To a Bastian mate.

Arouse my reason
Winterous treason
In misty jabs
At sea a man waits.

Stain ye rosy beam
Wean yer awesome teen
Nest our timorous boat
In a sinuous moat.

See Sebastian
Sway sweet
In January sweat.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

From Threads

This is a poem from a chapbook I made over the summer. The formatting got screwed up so the spacing is not like the original.


I lived in a house
where the flowers bloomed
like chinese characters
outside the window.
the branches snuck in, scratched my cheek
while I slept they fondled my hair through
and through the bars there was rainwater
dripping lightly into the cool airy room.

I lived in a house
where the whapwhap of cotton
yards beaten against wet ground
woke me to the window
in the gleaming morning
where the
flickered on the acid burning
brightly on the red cement.

I lived in a house
where autism blossomed
in pairs of awkward joints
they were all knees and elbows,
those boys,
their mother with her teeth
and her widow's thin white than
knotted about her swelling knuckles.
when they died the room was quiet
like the crazy chained to the window.

I lived in a house
where wives and daughters
with green eyes meowed at
the one daughter whose madness
was to love
and be loved
without clothes
with screams
so they kept her locked away
until one day, she up and died.

I lived in a house
where the crumbling stone wall
bore peeling manifestos
of Marxist-Leninist sentiments:
The revolution lives on through fists
pumping, teeth
blood trickling slowly from his head
like the steady dissolution of memory.

I lived in a house
where a woman with black plum skin
lined my white little feet
in red red ink from a green glass jar
pulled out a bamboo mat
rough and dyed
the fan in a lazy whir
lulling me to sleep on the floor in the depths
of a dog howling in pain or love.

Monday, October 6, 2008

excerpt from "pieces of memory"

one of many parts of a short story i wrote, now in finery 5.


Vivian dreams.




a thousand ways of repeating the same apology,

doing the same thing

an infinite loop of regret

with feathers

bursting from my shoulder blades

sharp and delicate fragments of white

disintegrate as though made of ash

the gray ends of gold-red sex

as I fall

into my grandmother’s garden, the

uneven hills of dirt hiding cabbage, narcissus, peonies, orchids,

oranges, snakes with glittering eyes –

My grandmother strokes my hair, and

she smells like the plums that hang heavy in the air, deep purple like organs in the sunlight

their insides golden and wet.
She has both her arms, the left arm amputated during the war hanging whole and unblemished

the skin as white as milk.
I wonder if we’re both dead.

She smiles, revealing even gold teeth, and says,

Don’t run.

Everything turns dark, and I’m breathing





Vivian wakes up gasping.

The room smells like plums.


Monday, August 18, 2008

scooters, vacation, fall

Vast and Red

It is like a moor!

the loneliness cried.

This body cannot die.

put my rockish cenotaph

down in soily peat bog

so that I may live


What is the color

of closing blank eyes

and a lifetime passing by

without seeing this

very small girl


The sense of the gruesome

is well developed

in some children

more than others.

Blame eyeyes.

She sees infinity

when she closes

her eyes

in tiny




Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Barrage Now

On Later Falling Apart

In one apartment light streams

warm and blue, through a moon.

Lapis smoke swirls and spreads

like the memory of a distant sound

while the TV picks up the lost pieces.

Outside, a galaxy sizzles like a fried egg

picked out the emptiness

before chewing its nebulous albumin.

I would like to fall deep into

its gaseous lips, silky oil slick

blooming hot and thick.

On what did Atlas stand, then,

when the dust sparkled to stars

and oaks shot up through cracks

in reasoning and eggshells.

Route 41

The bus is hissing like a flat tire

“What?” an old beaver man.

“Not this route, sir.”

Vibrating lights, backseat like horror

story of two lovers

miles apart.

Lurches ahead, this great beast

the liquors left over in my gut

lurch, launching me forward

into a hollow time—

Only ten minutes passed

since the empty bus is popped

into a loony bin.

Windows like picture frames

holding the strangest family portrait

of strangers who drop fly-like


the sensitivity in everyone's eyes!

In Silver Yarn (Mash up of Camille Guthrie's "In Captivity")

I drifted along past buildings

like a blank piece of paper

knees swallowed up by scenery

snouts disappear into wild grasses.

We see hanged faces and ravaged dolls

everyone thinks of a different radiant.

Raven catches a shiny fleck

yellow white red blue squares.

Be careful. This is very heavy.

Action of a bird landing

Action of light on a hat

Spikelet of laziness and love.

Fix here you expectant spheres!

With ears like a full bathtub,

the why stuck like sequins about your face,

hair like a cloudy day.

See here my heart,

he smells like a virgin—

with a bellybutton like a luminescent watch

and blood like melted crayons.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

ch - chu - check it out.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008


I translated Sukumar Ray's HJBRL (Ha Ja Ba Ra La) into English from its original Bengali a while ago. He was the father of Satyajit Ray. They are part of a long line of geniuses. You can check it out here if you're interested in Lewis Carrollish characters and silly rhymes.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

History Today

Cold park bench back
looks still broken

Roll up those cricket chirps into
one more fat cigarette
hanging onto her two ashtray shoulders

The plants grow tall here
and the wind grows colder

Every day feels like Tuesday
or a red scarf in the summertime
When the migraine scent of sweaty leather
weighs heavy on my wrist.

The other bench has been empty for years
Not cold, just inconsequential


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

ye olde love poem

A Song for Sevorg

I see Russia in the early light
with its onion tops veiled
in its ice milk mornings.
I see baby flowers bursting forth from your laughter
and I’m engulfed, enraged,

Overcome with a honeyed envy.
You smile and the czar collapses
You smile and the poet rejoices

Time clutches at you, stickier than do I
we both want to tie you down to this europe
but that's of no use.
"Look it's colorless" you say.
I look but,
I cannot see through those brilliant eyes
downcast but defensive
I cannot relate to your baffling mind
but I have every incentive.
You say it is for the doves
for the good of the movies,
I avoid the word love.

“Consider the benefits” you say.
I consider but,
libertarian municipialism
just doesn’t do anything for me.

Stroke your chin with your ivory fingers
and let your clothes down from that wirehanger body
quick look- updown stop at the toes
Clear smells linger under my nose.
Oh how the wind blows all through my head
while I listen to all the words that you've not yet said.

Soon the chickens will run through the courtyard,
and it’s a pity that
such musings of the mind
cannot be expressed with such dismal tools.

What the fuck?” you say with the a most confused expression
Since when did you start talking beautiful?”
I try to talk but,
tangerine trees burst forth and I’m rendered speechless

And then you smile
And then I say
"Oh who needs god oh who wants love"
And the snow drifts down all the while.


Monday, June 9, 2008


One hundred street lights
choke navigation. Hand over

The strung together musical
Instrument audiences. The bee

Is the butterfly
That makes noise.
Drink a thousand clocks. The wave is
Drunk in dormancy. Spatial spring is the
Unflustered god. Tree tops caught with hair.

Finding misery in the reduction old
Intonations are a little deaf.

The speed of light is not socially mobile.
Rise to the sky to advance.
Nine revolutions out of ten thousand also.
Replace the youth head. It was

About to dark. And
It was darkening. A presence
Is solemnly moldy. The situation is

Language. Language
Is all pleasant. How doesn’t a body
And mind piece depend on.
Dust has a creativeness. Really pay
Attention to the congenial now. Now

Between future & nature phase on. As
For me I damper my best for those

Who have tried. Only then respectability
Has sustainability. Purely blue colors
Market pools & windows now.
The neck is the obvious vessel
For grain. But now usually smoking
Of chlorine. Wind awakes liquor

In the surfaces of water. The recent
Return looks like an extinct heron. Intrinsic

to urban wall people. Last year
the green building is white this year.
The next causes the human
To appear slow behind. Waste
Articles may not be ritual but

are warm warm warm. Wait
For a congenital seed. Although

There are thieves for human emotion.
Controlling your breathing will
Slightly prolong life.
Empty murders the potential. Since
The four directions are merely illusions

Go. The good cloud is in fact
the travel that delivers the traveler

on top of a lake under a boat. No
matter that the wave is drunk

and the chaotic whereabouts
of a flower in a field.

The doubt is in lake days. Who
Knew these in a parking lot.


Daniel Richter is so punk rock


Dog Planet

Eight Paintings OR Phosphorescence

Das Recht-

Here we are beating a horse,

Raskolnikov cries!

do not imagine our innocence

to be filed away.

You've seen it, seen it

the manuscripts left behind

undress, shoot bullets through your breast

peering into a forest,

here is a white sky.



A nosferatu Ophelia floats by us

black swans drift in black water

she is bloating by, glowing by

spindly tree never hides

our glowing hides


Those who are here again-

Do you see the cubed dog?

The thunder within?

Come join!

We are burning shit!

We are cooking meat!

A yellow egg in nest house

the dog faced owner peers

into the pyre of white smoke

fire reflecting

neon paranoia.


Dog Planet-

Police state fun

thermal wave scene

in the darkness

only the heat rises

dogs and bayonets

like statues of safety

in masks and in guns.


Pink Flag-

Dogs you worry that rag

beasts in rear hoof

kick dent chest

you men in cloth

your teeth are showing

in a blue strip mall


Fun de Siècle-

Let's meet at the gas station

lit up like a cloud

an orgy of such solitude

neo-zombification baby

in the cities and now

let's lay like the dead

and roll

and play

and love that structure

of light we've made.

Don't forget guy you

are still alone


all that neon glow.



Something explosive

a concert? Or camp?

Of police or brutes

with the need to eat,

to consume

graffiti piling high

on turpentine fumes.

Rain sparkling capirote

Klan or Nazarenos

This crowd is so hungry

we'll swallow all your symbols.



Jesters schlumped down

in Picassan repose

ping pong ball weariness

behind those closed doors

Blackbird in hand

one foot with no shoe

our masks are still on

our masks are all plastered

with phantasmagoric glue.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Some Notes on What Happened at the Bus Stop

Magician shop, post op
and the Transverse Theory.
French girls smoke cigarettes
and candy smoke fills our lungs, but
our colors are lonely, huddled from cold sunshine.

She kisses. He wipes his lips.

Diesel fuel is bearable under the shade,
like polka-dotted hunchbacks, bro
--fist pumpin fist bump--
speak California drawl to me.

Queer bus stops and pitched
assaults on three bones all
cease with a question.

It's scrunch time inside this drafty bullet
so get ready to answer or scoot.

When is our last day


Monday, June 2, 2008

Speaking of Brautigan....

when my life revolved around the Pill and the Springhill Mine Disaster:

Onward Pillows!


are harmful if swallowed.

A Thoughtful Wino

She sits on many park benches

Looks at the people around her

And wonders aloud

Are you my murderer?”


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

six (non-essential) facts about fire [a work in progress]

rust is nothing more than a slow fire, but Slow rust is more than even slow Fire
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(since we are all on a little bit of fire)

I once reversed photosynthesis and saw my,
aaaaaaaaaaaaaself lives in leather shadows

salamanders can make legally binding oathsaaaaaa to the phoenix only his word

vocabulary killed her, but it was Dresden bombed by the heads of dead saints


sonnet of transference

liquor is not the humanaa being the intelligence
which wine is not aaliquor is not the human aadeterioration
and no possibility of believing it aafor my grandfather
the music is complete aaItalian lyric poetry
which is roaring in a piano note which floated aaonly
the present is silent but sprinkles words
in order to silenceaa night when the spirit
he collapses to sleep aacharacter gets offaa falls down
you slept physicalaa mentally always past that word
escaping he returns to the worldaa the potato of the apple
and Idahoaa world-wide he is the market aaunlimited
warehouse of agricultural products aathat dream
of loading trucks exists aahis sound has not existed
except when sleep paces back & forth in his brain


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

first stage is cool disaster

Tell me why towards dawn
walks body near body
familiar as he himself freezes.

But I follow lives
here in this town.

Daisy all new histories
they know to lukewarm
to daisies.

Outside idiots wanted me
at worm loam landscapes
to soil the inspirations of change
the night yardstick
my absent nail inclination.

Of anuses of those garb
walk vicinities trips of street cars
the in rod I have here
as one arrives in me
everything be closed
could is not
not a modern place of assembly.

One night of ghosts inclined in rails banister
the brief days that you forgot doubled in your own design
going out going out seeing a landscape architecture we want.

When we are not visible and accept
book of litigant soul
old-fashioned car information
all there is old-fashioned
source of gates
source of the bowl of whitebaits
which will go out
and to all of you
land us in the obligation light.

The wandering volition shape
the narcotic drug which becomes commercial business
inside my wrist
the possibility of being shut
in the hazard silence
has the method which is and the branch is

where I fall asleep directly
undresses the light write
of the silver that abnormal play
is in us as in definition
where it is verified to us.

Is the night illegal shakes?
Outlines are very quick in other throats.
I fry pelican marrow
rising and falling
and is not everything ham bread?

Generation of station
can be very reliable
the world makes echo arrive
which it tears
spiral shellfish linear.

As for kiss this:
Being tormented with defeat of language
of history to my medulla
that takes this clothing:
Directly in the body of plumb time
when syllable looks upward and already
the beard or
the chrysanthemum.


sonnet & picture

Finally the lived has been put in order.
The sleeve is not a line before it is pressed.
The civil is right next to the surgical department.
Infrastructure congregates with aggregate knowledge.
My girlfriend and I conceived the hybrid orange.
She made the chic body a nominalism.
We received good tidings in certain situations.
I am not particularly good at meeting expectations.
But plants drum me into certain positions.
If matter is unhappy it is evil.
But I need a guide to taste the universe.
I call self-deprecation feeling lukewarm.
An influx of visitors is always spatial, always negative.
There is no cause for concern.

pic by chris millar

Big Milk: Inspiration


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008


saehee & ac & tina & thomas: the complete correspondence. (hah)
(how fun)


some chick being fed her
friend's dead husband
gets lots of laughs. 


