Monday, June 9, 2008


One hundred street lights
choke navigation. Hand over

The strung together musical
Instrument audiences. The bee

Is the butterfly
That makes noise.
Drink a thousand clocks. The wave is
Drunk in dormancy. Spatial spring is the
Unflustered god. Tree tops caught with hair.

Finding misery in the reduction old
Intonations are a little deaf.

The speed of light is not socially mobile.
Rise to the sky to advance.
Nine revolutions out of ten thousand also.
Replace the youth head. It was

About to dark. And
It was darkening. A presence
Is solemnly moldy. The situation is

Language. Language
Is all pleasant. How doesn’t a body
And mind piece depend on.
Dust has a creativeness. Really pay
Attention to the congenial now. Now

Between future & nature phase on. As
For me I damper my best for those

Who have tried. Only then respectability
Has sustainability. Purely blue colors
Market pools & windows now.
The neck is the obvious vessel
For grain. But now usually smoking
Of chlorine. Wind awakes liquor

In the surfaces of water. The recent
Return looks like an extinct heron. Intrinsic

to urban wall people. Last year
the green building is white this year.
The next causes the human
To appear slow behind. Waste
Articles may not be ritual but

are warm warm warm. Wait
For a congenital seed. Although

There are thieves for human emotion.
Controlling your breathing will
Slightly prolong life.
Empty murders the potential. Since
The four directions are merely illusions

Go. The good cloud is in fact
the travel that delivers the traveler

on top of a lake under a boat. No
matter that the wave is drunk

and the chaotic whereabouts
of a flower in a field.

The doubt is in lake days. Who
Knew these in a parking lot.



Babe Rainbow said...

yea, i fucking hate you.


Anonymous said...

this is definitely one of my favorites of yours.
more, please.

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